Thursday, May 19, 2011

Whoa, whoa, whoa...

Time needs to slow down right now!

Here we are, the middle of May, and in approximately 3 weeks, I will be on a plane headed back to the U.S. for good!  I can't even believe it!  I have once again neglected to write a blog for way too long, so I will try to cram all the important things into this post to get you up to speed.

Teaching is still going well.  If there were any doubts about whether or not I want to do this in the future, there aren't any now.  I sincerely enjoy my job here at Carachi, and it makes me very sad to think that my time here is basically over.  The work load is steadily increasing as we make the push to the finish line, and we only have 6 days of classes left.  Then we have a few days of exams, then some exciting events like graduation.  As I try not to get bogged down by all the stress that comes with the end of the year, I am attempting to remain in the present and to finish out my time teaching here in a good way.

As much as I try to deny it, the goodbyes have started as well.  Just last night, Rachel flew back to the U.S., to be with her family as her sister graduates.  It wasn't that big of a deal for me, because I will just see her after I get back to Boston anyways, but it is hard to believe that we have reached the point where goodbyes will be happening.  What the heck happened to the other 9 months?  I have made such amazing friends this year that I essentially have a 2nd family now.  It is SO hard to think about leaving them, and to not be able to joke with them, belt out ridiculous songs, talk about the serious stuff, and crash on their couches.  I know that we will keep in touch, but it is still going to be hard to say goodbye.  At least I now have friends all over the U.S. (and Canada and Australia) that I can visit!  Road trip anyone?

Anyways, there are a lot of mixed emotions going on.  This year has been one of the best of my life, and I will always look back on it with fond memories.  However, I am starting to feel like I am ready to come home, and I know that God has great plans for me back home the next few years.

So for now I will sign off.  I will try and update a couple more times between now and when I get back to the U.S.  Thanks for keeping in touch and reading my blog!


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